Incubators for Wildlife Babies

In the aftermath of a very successful fundraising campaign, Friends of Cape Wildlife delivered a Brinsea incubator to Jennifer Taylor, Animal Care Coordinator, and Stephanie Ellis, Executive Director, at Wild Care in Orleans this spring 2018. The staff and volunteers were excited to receive the new unit.  Jennifer was especially happy about the design of the incubator, saying that due to the height they could create double decker housing, adding a second shelf to accommodate twice as many animals during the heavy baby season.

A second incubator was delivered to rehabber Mary Morelli who wrote “I am one of the lucky ones to receive a new incubator. It is sooooo nice. The old unit I had didn’t work well, and I couldn’t trust it to leave it for any length of time.  The new one is so easy, and I don’t have to worry about the little darlings roasting or freezing. The litter of five squirrels are comfortable now with more room.”

For infants that cannot maintain their body temperature, for digestive systems that don’t function properly, for babies that are chilled, for infants that no longer have the warmth, comfort and care of their natural mothers,  these units will be the absolute next best thing and will help save many lives.

Thank you to all our fabulous donors who made the purchase of these incubators for wildlife possible.

Volunteer Jayne Fowler and staff member Leah Myrbeck at Wild Care