Giving Tuesday, Give to your Favorite WildLife Rescue Team


Giving Tuesday started seven years ago with one simple idea — encouraging people to do something good for other people. Since then, that simple idea has grown into a global movement inspiring hundreds of millions of people who wish to give, collaborate, and celebrate human generosity.


We have declared a goal of $10,000 for this one special day of fundraising. We don’t come to you very often with our hand out, though we believe you may want to help us support Cape Cod Wildlife during this unusual giving event. Twenty-four hours is a short time to raise $10,000 but we have moved some mountains in our time (according to more than one squirrel and opossum), and we know we have friends among you who care about what we’re doing.

How to give on December 3. If you wish to help us with our $10,000 Giving Tuesday goal, go to our website to donate! We will see your gift as it arrives and will be in contact shortly thereafter with our deepest thanks.